If you are new to social media, interested in it or want to learn more about all things marketing, scroll and read through our blog.
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Meet Annabelle Irakiza
Everyone here is so happy for one another and the way that we support one another is so incredibly important to me and the foundation of Brand’s Media Group.
Meet Jasmine Bellini
Today you can find Jasmine Bellini in Paris. Her future aspirations hope to follow intersections between her two passions of luxury marketing and social media.
Meet Sharon Brand, BMG Founder
This article will focus on the inners of BMG in a discussion with Sharon Brand, our Founder.
3 Apps For Music Lovers
Music often finds its way into our lives and can establish itself as the root of most human connections simply by being in the background of our big moments.
Nostalgia and Social Media
How crazy to think that we are living among the last generation that will hold their baby pictures and memories in numerous stacks of photo albums.
Why You Need Creative Outlets
Expressing yourself from your core allows you to reach within your roots. You can plant and harvest new seeds of inspiration that brings limitless meaning into your life. That’s why writing is an extremely spiritual and uplifting experience.
3 Apps That Make Meeting New People Easy
Whether you’re choosing to move away from home or simply staying put in your city, genuine human connection is something that we all crave 24/7.
Using Social Media The Right Way
We are often told that social media is a construct of negative connotations followed by “harsh truths” within the extensive forums integrated into the modern day. Let’s harvest a positive relationship with social media today.
Social Media & Spirituality: An Unexpected Partnership
Social media used to be something I would use to mindlessly pass time and tag my partner in silly videos. When I started my spiritual journey, I began to understand how spiritual social media can really be.
Why you Need to Add More Fun in Your Life
Before launching Brand’s Media Group, I have been bored because staying at home, stuck during quarantine is definitely not that fun. I decided to act upon it.
Navigating Covid-19 on Social Media
From lockdowns to working from home to our normal lives now being virtual, brands and retailers have had to make similar shifts and decide how they will respond to this crisis. Here’s a quick guide to help you be proactive in your short-term response.
How to Manage your Social Media During COVID-19
Consumers are more online than ever before in this unexpected 2020. Here are some trends in social media and digital strategies that may help your business.
Influencer Marketing: How Social Media Influencers are Changing the Way we do Business Today
Influencer marketing is a new way for companies to sell their products.
5 Outils Adoptés par les Maisons de Luxe pour Nourrir leur Brand Content Durant le Confinement
L’industrie du luxe n’est pas épargnée par la crise sanitaire qui sévit aux quatre coins du globe. Bien qu’une résilience inouïe soit à souligner, les pertes sont abyssales.
The Future Of Influencer Marketing Post Covid-19
What Brands and Influencers Should Know and do, to Adjust Themselves to the new ‘normal’ of ‘the day after’.