Navigating Covid-19 on Social Media

Written by Ariane Bohbot

In just a matter of weeks, which felt like the blink of an eye, we have seen a massive shift in how our world operates. From lockdowns to working from home to our normal lives now being virtual, brands and retailers have had to make similar shifts and decide how they will respond to this crisis. Here’s a quick guide to help you be proactive in your short-term response.

1- Using a community first approach

Now more than ever, focus on shifting your brand messaging from being tactical to being more empathetic. This is the perfect time to connect with users by showcasing how your brand is helping customers and local communities who need it most, which can be beneficial in building brand affinity by showing how your brand is present, listening and acknowledging the situation people are in. 

2- Increasing your posting frequency

Many reports are showing a increase in demand for online content and that users are now consuming video content more than ever. For brands, this means it is the perfect opportunity to increase your posting frequency as consumers are not only seeking more content, but also exposed to it. Use these trends to your advantage and develop more relevant content that will help you build a strong relationship with your current and future brand advocates. If new content is not easy to produce because of measures in place, think of new ways to reuse content you may have and leverage it. For example, if you’ve collaborated with an influencer in the past, sending them a few of their favorite products may result in free content you could repost, while another route could be reposting user-generated content from fans tagging you in their posts.

3- Using the trends to your advantage

Many new trends are emerging from people being quarantined in their home, and you can use these to your advantage. As users are seeking new ways to stay connected now that physical interactions are taken out of the equation, try to engage more with your audiences and get to know them using polls, Q&A sessions, or even hosting a live virtual event. Think of this as free market research, as you will be able to use this data to better position your brand among your target market, as well as tailor your messaging and better your targeting tactics in future marketing campaigns. 

4. What does this mean for my e-comm business?

Keeping all the different situations your customers may be in in mind, you can and should still advertise your products during this time by simply changing up your strategy and adapting your messaging to the new “normal” and by tapping into your customers’ new lifestyles. For example, a home decor retailer could advertise products that could benefit customers as they shift to working from home, or even products to redecorate on a small budget, while a fashion retailer could choose to advertise their clothes to answer different needs, like an at-home date night look versus a Zoom meeting! 

5. Watch your words

Finally, one of the most important aspects to remember about social media during a time of crisis is to watch the words you are using. It is not the time to make jokes, memes or puns and using a humorous tone as they can be misinterpreted and seem insensitive. In terms of e-comm, steer clear of pushy sales messaging to be more brand-building and to remain top-of-mind. Think of it as the perfect timing to communicate your brand’s core values, be empathetic, authentic and show how you are stepping it up during this time. 


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