Why You Need Creative Outlets

Written by Trinity Duong

Expressing yourself from your core allows you to reach within your roots. You can plant and harvest new seeds of inspiration that brings limitless meaning into your life. That’s why writing is an extremely spiritual and uplifting experience. Indulging in the little crevices of your mind can bring awakenings to how you view yourself and perceive the social construct around you. The power you have at your fingertips to express all the jumbled up thoughts bouncing around your head can become a relief for those overwhelmed by all that goes on in their lives. Putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard expresses the deepest parts of yourself and can become a comfort. It stops you from divulging in your emotions and letting them get the better of you.

That’s why social media is such an important creative outlet for writing and blogging. It can allow you to elevate your mind over your emotions. Having that little corner of the internet that is just yours and all you experience can distract from the overwhelming intrusive blockades that can overcome your mind. It gives you the ability to hone in on what it is you’re creating and have it appreciated by your community. Posting genuine reactions to your environment and experiences can reduce our negative thoughts and allows us to have a better sense of self. Connecting your feelings to thoughts establishes a clear self dialogue and gives you mental clarity and can solidify your self identity.

Social media and authenticity should go hand in hand. Expressing the way things in your life affect you whether it’s as simple as a movie franchise or experiencing a whole life change, it can project a constructive and beneficial lesson onto those who interact with your posts. Some more than others find themselves wrapped up in the busy life set up for them and find it hard to get out of their heads. Allowing viewers to experience what you do even from a two-dimensional stand point can be beneficial in how they will react to certain elements in their own life. So while creating helps you navigate through your own brain it can also feed the flame that others need in order to maneuver their own. 

The uniqueness of writing and expressing yourself is that you are the chain reaction. Your work can inspire every single person that encounters it, in turn charging their creativity just lurking under the surface waiting to be let out. The beauty of it all is that there is no wrong way to express yourself and most of it,  if not all, will be what changes the life of people along the way. 

But maybe you find it hard to write. To classify all your ideas into a piece of writing. To find the right way of expressing all you want to say. That’s why you should challenge yourself to use social media as an inspirational tool. Reading articles, exploring blogs, reaching out to creators for help, these are the things that evoke creative thinking and self-expression. You will be able to find yourself in the words of others and pull innovation and your own characterization away from it. Solidifying your identity can give way to becoming your most authentic self. 

Exhibiting your creativity through social media is a way in which you can receive gratification from your work twenty-four-seven. Your numerous outlets bring instantaneous thought provoking ideas and can inspire the change you or someone else needs in order to bring a sense of meaning into their life. Bottom-line advice, write, create and inspire authentic work. 

What about you? How do you divulge in the cycle of inspiration and social creativity?


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