Social Media & Spirituality: An Unexpected Partnership

Written by Elisheva Lavi

“As counterintuitive as it sounds, spirituality and social media are powerful tools that changed global thought.”

What is Spirituality?

Spirituality has a lot of meanings, defined and interpreted subjectively by each individual according to his/her experience. People unfamiliar with spirituality find it strange, unclear, and uncertain. Simply put, the essence of spirituality is to shift the perspective one has on life. 

Rather than living your life focusing purely on survival, spirituality enriches people’s lives with the belief that their existence is meaningful, valuable, and full of purpose. Armed with those beliefs, individuals cope with life’s trials and tribulations much easier as it provides order during the chaos. 

Spirituality is an energetic system that helps us communicate beyond the physical and visual. It speaks through feelings, intuition, and connection. To some, spirituality is a path to reach enlightenment, to seek and understand the meaning of life, or to explore one’s self in order to become a better person. To others, spirituality is a way to explore the metaphysical, immaterial world of existence, and God. 

What is Social Media? 

Social media is a way to connect online, whether it’s to send messages, share stories, or to simply stay updated and be seen. Social media is a way to interact with friends, family, and people around the world. Furthermore, social media is used by various influencers, marketers, and entrepreneurs as a means to communicate with their customers and audience. Social media has the power to connect and share information and the ability to reach large audiences globally at the click of a button.

The impact of social media is a virtual social network and communities where people across the globe can connect, share ideas, and information. Social media is a tool that allows borderless sharing and communication. With so many positive sides to it, social media can also have a negative influence, it can be highly addictive, and cause stress and jealousy if we’re not careful. 

Today, I use social media to connect with people across the globe. I created a channel where I share my story, post about healing, wellbeing, and spirituality. When I began my meditation and healing business, I used social media platforms, more specifically, my Instagram account as a channel to reach thousands of people. Social media allows me to connect with people without borders and share my knowledge and tools to help them gain a healthy perspective on life. I learned the power of social media and how significant it can be when you share your story or wisdom, or when opening a business, communicating with others and so much more. 

A few tips for a mindful experience on social media

If you are following social media pages that do not motivate you and you don’t benefit from the content shared, don’t be afraid to unfollow. Even if they are someone you know, you can unfollow anyone or anything that does provide you with a healthy mindset. 

Don’t be fooled by social media, we all go through something. No matter how “perfect” someone’s life looks like, you do not know their daily struggles.

Learn to use social media at the right time, for the right purpose, and with the right people. Social media shouldn’t harm your mindset or consciousness. There are great available sources for you to learn and grow from.

Life, as we know it today, is changing beyond what we could have ever imagined due to the current global crisis of COVID-19 and environmental problems. With the power of social media, we can connect, share, and communicate our difficulties while radiating positive energy that shines through the phone or computer. With proper and mindful use, social media can help humanity be more connected to each other and create a positive impact. More than ever we are learning from each other, connecting, and sharing. Social media is spiritual as it encourages human connection by sharing noteworthy and diverse insights. It provides channels for growth, healing, and wellbeing. Thanks to all the spiritualists, positive influencers, writers, yogis, meditation instructors, coaches, and healers who are using their social media platforms to connect and help others cope with these unprecedented times.

If you want to learn more about healing guides, customized online guided meditation sessions with Elisheva, visit her Instagram page here


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