3 Apps For Music Lovers

Written by Trinity Duong

Music often finds its way into our lives and can establish itself as the root of most human connections simply by being in the background of our big moments. It has been used in various medical processes to positively affect those who suffer by reducing pain, relieving stress, and recalling memories due to brain injury. It is a very influential tool in human behavior and connection. The sounds and morals released through sound impact listeners who are easily influenced by the world around them and can give a sense of freedom by plugging in. 

Music creates a cultural as well as a moral and emotional impact. While these three things can be quite personal in our daily lives, it's very easy to find a relationship between one another based off these things. Building off a soul connection based on soundwaves, mood and tones create relationships that benefit all parties. It allows us to amplify our communities by establishing connections easily based on the atmosphere created. Music can change a mood and encourage different behaviors and bring us out of our shell when we communicate. 

But how do we stay connected through music when facing isolating situations?

Here are 3 online applications and sites for the music community,

1) Spotify

Spotify is a very unique platform that allows you to follow artists and your friends from your account. When utilizing the platform on a computer you can see on your right-hand side that there is something called “Friend Activity”. Under here you’ll be able to see the music from playlists that your friends and artists are currently listening to in real-time. It can be a very amazing way to start conversations with distanced friends by asking them about the music that they are listening to. It’s also very telling of how someone is feeling and can allow you to check in on your friends who are listening to something more sorrowful. Spotify allows you to also make your playlists private or public and when you make the switch to share with the online community you are leaving a way for people to get to know you better and you are sharing music that could be used by someone’s next party. 

2) SoundCloud

This place is the platform to create and build connections between musical artists and is much more direct than apps such as Spotify or Apple Music. Because this is where musicians and artists upload their creative and personal works it is very easy to engage your community and further your music career. It is very easy to distribute your music around the platform due to the organization of the application with easy account set-up and organization. 

Music streaming sites and applications have become very popular for producing art because of its great influence on musician’s careers and because of the number of users on this app it’s become easier and easier to create a connection between users all over the world.

3) Loudly

Loudly is a application that defines itself as a Social Music Platform. It prides itself on their abilities to share and send music to others. It isn’t too difficult to utilize with very clear instructions on how to maneuver the different phases of the application. You can also record your own vocals and upload your own music. It opens you up to a greater community and allows you to talk directly to people that interact with your sounds or sounds that you have liked. 

The world we are living in is very influenced by social media and the internet. Basing your relationships off very emotional beginnings whether you’re an artist, a musician, a fan, or simply just a listener part of a greater community it’s important to keep connecting and growing your online presence. 

How do you stay connected through music?


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