Influencer Marketing: How Social Media Influencers are Changing the Way we do Business Today

Written by Ella Grace

Influencer marketing is a new way for companies to sell their products. It has recently gained popularity in the retail industry because it can reach large numbers of consumers quickly. At the same time, it is efficient at targeting specific audiences. This is extremely helpful to brands who want to reach a particular group or demographic quickly and efficiently.

Influencer marketing is also unique in the marketplace. Influencers build an intimate trust with followers that's different from other commercial industries. Readers put their faith in us, both personally and professionally. There is an undeniable “personal” connection that we develop with our followers. So while we are running a business, successful influencers recognize the ethical responsibility to look out for readers’ best interests both when recommending products and choosing endorsements and partnerships.

One of the most significant aspects of being an influencer is our autonomy in the marketplace. We have the freedom to choose who and what we are promoting. With this autonomy comes responsibility. We have to be confident - through our own personal experience, research, and experimentation - that the products we promote are products we actually like and use ourselves. This process is what makes our endorsements meaningful to our audiences. It what makes our followers more likely to purchase our recommendations and yield higher sales for the companies we partner with.


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