How to Manage your Social Media During COVID-19

Written by Liz Rodriguez

“The crisis is the greatest blessing for people and nations because the crisis brings progress”. Albert Einstein.

For those who haven’t read the meaning of crisis for Albert Einstein, I would highly recommend it because has helped me a lot in tough times.  It gives you a positive approach to any crisis with a wide-open mind and heart. But let settle down all of that positiveness to be more competitive in businesses, even in a speedily challenging and changing world, as it is COVID time.

Consumers are more online than ever before in this unexpected 2020. Therefore, here are some trends in social media and digital strategies that may help your business.

1. Be Human

There is a huge opportunity to get close to your customers throughout being more human in a digital world. Listening and understanding your current audience’s needs and preferences could make the real difference now. The needs have changed so the available budget to spend in, too. New needs mean new opportunities. So engagement is more important now than ever before.

TIPS: If you are an influencer connect with them emotionally with some positive new posts about your real day by day (behind the scenes), questions to make them feel better (E.g: What is the first thing you would do when Covid ends?) or easy activities at home to feel better. But always keep everything real, honest, that’s the main difference now.

2. Be Community

We are all in the same boat, so look around. Help small business or people in need. Be sensitive to your community needs. Search for nearby places and explore the area, then analyze what kind of businesses are around you (hospitals, retirement homes, restaurants, farms and so) and help. You will find many opportunities for help but also maybe for start-up new businesses or new alliances.

TIPS: Help other accounts (don’t compete with other accounts, try to support one to another, create campaigns or fundraising together help the ones in more need) or help small local businesses that maybe are not on the digital world yet.  

3. Be Connected

Yes, please avoid going dark! You have already done a long way with your business so keep it alive. Let them know if you are still selling or showing some processes within the company or any change you are doing to deal with this situation. Even if you don’t have your own current new content, creat entertaining or useful content for your audience, but keep alive. Social media has increased their activity over 50% more, and social add can be more valuable now. 

TIPS: Create helpful or funny content such as positive quotes, funny memes, engagement question, activities to do at home, coronavirus updates, throwbacks and of course your new selling channels or variation of your product to face COVID.

So, let us be creative, explore new things (channels, products, content, even new audiences), spend more time listening to your customers, competitors or influencers in your industry. Keep informed and do what is in your hand to help others and your business in the middle of the storm, and overall keep your eyes in heaven, the sun is gonna rise again, sooner than later. All the best.  


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