Nostalgia and Social Media

Written by Trinity Duong

How crazy to think that we are living among the last generation that will hold their baby pictures and memories in numerous stacks of photo albums. In the age of information and technology, moments become digitalized and frozen on the internet’s web. Printing and memorializing our photographs will no longer be considered a normal tradition, rather a vintage way of living. Flipping through the limited photographs that your family acquired through their life gives the feeling of unaged nostalgia. It reminds you how youthful and similar you must have been to them. However, because of the historical and cultural drawbacks of technology in the past, the number of sacred memories kept tucked away in these books do not compare to the 100 selfies you just took on your phone. 

We are living in the best point in history using magic on a daily basis. We have access to all human knowledge at our fingertips and we can scroll endlessly through forums that can feel like all different types of rhythms and moods. How cool would it be to realize that being alive is so captivating and that what we publish and the post will become immortalized in the history of this time frame? Well, you can. Right now. Because that’s what this is. It’s strange to think that our future children can just search up our names and find a shrine of information about who we are, but it’s also quite exciting. We are a flip in time, this is a new age. Therefore remaining synonymous with your online identity and keeping your social media updated will bring you and your future so much nostalgia and fond remembrance. It’s your storyline and no one wants to forget all the little details of it.

That’s why it’s important to keep updating your social media!

It brings you connection and worldly perspectives and most importantly it keeps you in touch with yourself through all phases of your life. 

LinkedIn provides you with the intricate details of your business and career ventures whereas Instagram and Snapchat keep all your memories on file. Pinterest curates your aesthetics for home decor or new recipes and Twitter is a time capsule for past opinions on politics, the arts, and people. How lucky we are to be able to reach into our back pockets and be able to have the best and worst moments on your line. You can scroll through the endless lessons you were taught by the infinite memories divulged in this eternity that you’re living through. 

Some may say it’s superficial or not beneficial to be nostalgic about past lives but I think that this is what living is for. Reminiscing on past events helps you chase new ones to this day and help inspire generations to come. It raises key points about how important the social media industry is and how closely we should hold it to our hearts. Remain connected and it will harvest the connections with generations you may not even meet. The good old days will come to an end but they will never be forgotten. 

Having a sentimental soul can make saying goodbye difficult and turning off certain phases of your life because their over can be heartbreaking but having all your little lives on the back of your palm will mean so much to look back on and laugh at. You’ll be all shrunken and old looking back with tears in your eyes telling your grandchildren this is who I have been and these are the people and things that made me who I am today. Don’t take posting on social media for granted, it is one of the many legacies you will leave behind. Make it count.


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