Why Should You Get A Micro Influencer On Board For Your Brand

Written by Noyonika Sircar

Instagram, influencing and marketing cannot be separated.  Looking at the current state of digital dependence, capturing the hearts of the audience has a longer effect rather than the likes. The soaring rise of the world of micro influencers can validate this current dynamic. In this multi billion dollar industry, everyday something new is launched and the digital space becomes saturated. Increasing the customer to customer relations has become one of the ways by which the brands attempt to cement their image. Therefore, marketers identify micro influencers for an holistic approach for their brand.

Who are micro influencers ?
Micro Influencers typically have a following from 1,000 to 1,00,000. They have a niche audience and they are easier to collaborate with. They have dense engagement, hence they are the champions of everyday products. Additionally, micro influencers are less expensive. Along with that, they are pure in their ways of approach and this is probably why we listen to someone give a product review over an animated advertisement. They spur conversations instead of ‘buying conversations’. This real time, direct consumer engagement makes the micro influencers more relevant than the inflated big time users.

Here are three ways to find a suitable micro influencer for your brand:

1. Listen to your brand’s fans
Starting from an existing connection is the way to perhaps gauge the demand of your audience. Here begins the manual search for the most liked pages by your fans, the common interests, their liked pages on other social media platforms and find the common interests. Another sincere way to proceed with this will be by directly asking your loyal customers what they want and then understanding their expectations with your brand. This will not only foster a longer relationship with your customer but also keep them excited for more.

2. Engage with local bloggers

Bloggers in your area, geographically can be a major boost to your business. They grow brand awareness. With their word of mouth, people will be likely inclined to believe them and purchase which will later on turn to a loyal community. The best way to find local bloggers will be by using hashtags.

3. Dig up on the previous works
As fascinating and sparkly the feed of bloggers might look like, it is important to not forget that some followers can be deceptive. This is the time for you to check their posts, quality of content, the comment section of their posts,the frequency of the posts and lastly if they have done collaborations before. Bonus points, if they follow your brand already !

It takes an army of micro influencers to reinforce the faith in a brand, regardless of it being new or if it wants to re-establish itself. Understanding the repercussions of influencing, represents a part of your brand. Hence, if this niche is used effectively, this can really yield authentic and trusted results for your brand.


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