Why A Podcast Interview Is Beneficial For Your Brand

Written by Alanna Moore

It’s 2022 and podcasts continue to be all the rave. If you’re a business owner, you can use this to your benefit. While it may take a lot of time and energy to start your own podcast, being a guest on a podcast doesn’t steal too much of your day and there are all kinds of advantages associated with guest podcasting. Here’s a list of just a few among the many.

Help builds connections you may not have made elsewhere

There are all kinds of ways to get your business noticed, but it’s in your best interest to get creative with your methods. That’s why we suggest reaching out to various podcast hosts and telling them why you’d make a great guest on their show.

Consider this another opportunity to introduce people to both you and your brand in a very organic manner, which us here at Brand’s Media Group are all about. You’ll get to build a connection with the host and their followers while helping strengthen your relationship with your clients and followers. A win-win!

Gives you the chance to get more personal

During a podcast interview, you’ll likely get the chance to discuss more personal topics that you may not get to talk about on your brand’s social media accounts or website. So, this is the perfect occasion to show your true colours and allow a wider range of people to get to know what you and your company are all about — your beginnings, your struggles, your big wins, and everything in between.

Being raw and real will only ever benefit your brand. Regardless of the digital age we live in, we’re still humans who crave authenticity. So, be yourself and people will come flocking!

Podcast popularity is still on the rise

Podcasts may have started coming into our lives around the early 2000s, but I’d argue they only really became popular during the last few years. Now, it’s rare to find any city dweller that doesn’t listen to at least one podcast.

And in good news, “Podcast listeners are more likely to follow companies and brands on social media,” according to Podcast Insights. So, any interviews could lead to more followers for you and your company, which no one could ever complain about.

Speaking of podcasts, here are some our founder Sharon was featured on. Feel free to listen and get to know her and Brand’s Media Group a little better!


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