Story Content Ideas For Your Brand

Written by Alanna Moore

When it comes to story content ideas, the options are endless. But if ever you’re lacking a little creativity in the social media department at the moment, we’re here to help. Here’s an example of three story ideas for every day of the week.


A day in the life of one of your employees.

Post an inspirational quote.

A list of apps you use to help stay organized during the week.


Debunk a myth related to your industry.

Shout out some of your team’s favourite brands from a specific industry.

Post a fill-in-the-blank question.


The “this or that” game.

Behind the scenes.

Promote your products or services.


Share answers to your FAQ.

An office tour.

Post a collection of client reviews.


Weekly roundup of news related to your industry.

Introduce an employee.

Ask your followers what their plans are this weekend in a question box.


Share your company’s core values.

Repost past reels your business made.

Post a how-to guise.


Videos that made your team smile this week.

Share why you started your company and what you’ve learned.

Ask your followers for their opinion on something.

Do you have any other go-to story content ideas? Share them below!


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