Mistakes To Avoid On Social Media

Written By Noyonika Sircar

Risk and rewards come together with business on social media platforms. Today, all the brands are jumping to the bandwagon for churning more and more content to keep their viewers thrilled and tell them something exciting for tomorrow.

While a steady social media stream is crucial, it is also likely that your brand can be susceptible to rookie mistakes. While there is an option to opt for unconventional ways of marketing and strategizing, there still remains a thin chance of being a victim of innocent social media mistakes.

So what are they? How can you avoid them?

1. Unscheduled Content

Your content is the core of your brand. Hence, the content should invariably be your focus. Spamming with content, using the same images, inconsistent storyline, over promotional posts, releasing media that doesn't match your brand, will be a huge pitfall for your business. Besides the production of content, it is also fundamental to track the activity of your content and gauge how well your brand has been performing. Additionally, the best bet will be to keep your content language real. This will make your brand look less self-promotional and more original. To make your visual content more serious, you can check this out.

2. Not taking a stance on important issues

The outlook on social media has changed with time. It has been a platform to encourage activists and to bring a change. Whether it is about climate change, or sexual assault and #metoo, or about the black lives matter movement, social media is a beacon of change. Therefore, the brands have to be vigilant and cautious in the ways they take a stance and further remain consistent with it.  By voicing your opinions, the brands create a meaningful engagement. Remaining silent and ignoring relevant social movements, make the brand less significant. Even a small contribution, makes a striking difference in the patterns of business models of the brand.

3. Ignoring your community

The community is where you build your space and foster the hopes for tomorrow. The way the community grows is also a way how you see your brand. Even though you post consistently, one to one direct interactions are valuable for your social presence. By delving right into the consumer demand, you can keep a strong social media participation. It is also essential for the brand to deal with negative feedback and not shelf it for later. Instead, take it as constructive criticism and make the best out of it. The silence and ignorance makes the brand unreliable and also invites more fake followers, rather than real ones.The interactions with consumers  bring in fresh ideas and also call in for new ways to see the brand. This also allows you to monitor the way the brand  is performing. Growing your customers should be the priorities as a brand, rather than a responsibility.

It is common for everyone to make mistakes. The only way to move ahead is to learn from them and not to repeat them. Afterall, to err is human !


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