Choosing the Ideal Social Media Platform For Your Business

Written by Noyonika Sircar

Social media presence is unavoidable today for any business to thrive. The support gathered from social media as well as the increasing digital reliability of social media has repurposed the way social media is utilized. Instead, social media is a part of your brand story and is a reflection of your community. However, each social media channel serves different reasons and purposes. Hence, it is fundamental to understand the vitality of correct social media presence according to the brand type and then identify the ideal social media platform to let your business run successfully.

BMG takes you through a few factors which will make it easier for you:

1. Understand the nature of your business
The brand personality determines the impact of the brand on the customers.Here is the time you highlight the goals of your business, the reasons your brand is special, and the ways in which your brand is ahead of the other competitors. For, B2C businesses (business to customers), Facebook and Instagram will help you gain a lot of visibility. LinkedIn will help identify potential business clients. Youtube is recommended to be used by all businesses for the interactional element.

2. Focus on your target audience
The target audience holds the brand together. Failure in identifying the target customers will plunge your brand into deep risks, economically, especially for small businesses. This is the ideal time to run a demographic check and identify who your customers actually are. Dive into some research and streamline your platform, specifically catering to the needs of your community. Whichever platform you select, try to invest in it with quality content and growth. Shifting the platforms will leave your brand too shallow,  without venturing into any platform qualitatively.
Use google analytics, KPIs, and Instagram statistics. The other ideal way will be to develop a niche with your ideal customer and spend a considerable amount of time in the platform where your niche resides.

3. Study your competitors
The best way to move ahead is by doing research on the existing customers, businesses, and clients. This will give you clarity on the existing competition, the demands, the kind of engagement you want and will let you decide the platform that will work. This is also a great step to avoid the mistakes attempted before.

4. Consistency
The only way to see your business en-route success and wide visibility is consistency. Dont stretch across all the platforms, instead try to focus on one at a time and invest in it, consistently. Your company can do well on LinkedIn and not on Instagram doesn’t mean that you have to make your Instagram page the best, instead, you can thrive on the existing community on your LinkedIn. This is where the research and demographics of social media platforms come in handy and allows you to potentially make an impact. Consistently creating the same social media strategies, that are maintainable, doable, and also regular will help you also pick one platform over others. There are many scheduling tools like Sprinklr, Google Analytics, which can help you with your scheduling.

5. Align your goals with social goals
Prioritizing your company’s goals is the business target but to make your business meaningful, it is essential to align it with a social message. This will reflect a wholesome holistic nature of your business rather than a marketing mindset. If your business is about thrift clothing, you can choose Twitter for your social messages and let your business be independent on Instagram. If your brand is about travel, then you can choose LinkedIn probably use Instagram, here you can also bring together two social platforms for a common goal.

6. Let your product or your brand lead you
Your product and your brand should always take the lead. If you want to start a business about furniture, the ideal start will be Instagram, if you want to start a business on career counseling, LinkedIn will be your go-to platform. Donot compromise on the soul of your brand for the platform.

Lastly, participate in discussions, guide the customers on Reddit, Clubhouse and make an interesting platform for not only your business but also your community to take back something from your brand.


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