How Social Media can Help Your Career

Written by Trinity 

Social media is the ultimate format for online communication style. It is a tool used in every aspect of life and especially recently the job market. Grasping social media complexities will aid in your development of the new age of technology and can land you in your next profession. 

Oftentimes, social media is overlooked as a tool for effectively finding jobs and establishing a career path. Not only is there a whole new wave of job opportunities on social media itself but it is a new way to communicate your resume to a whole new network of people. 

As social media has become an essential part of our daily lives, it has transitioned into a recruiting tool through the curation of a strong online presence. When applying to jobs in the modern-day we can recognize how different it must’ve been 20 years ago.

When you think of a social media that collaborate closely with your career, the first that comes to mind is LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network on the internet. Using this social media can help you land the right job, internship, or volunteer opportunity. It also is used to strengthen professional relationships and learn skills needed to succeed. A cool feature that makes this community so special is your connection's ability to endorse your skills. Your resume is also in full view for potential employers to see.

But how do you make your profile stand out?

By carefully curating your account and the activities you partake in you can harbor the community you want to be part of. By sending connection requests to people in your industry as well as joining relevant organizations to follow, you can begin to scout and join different communities. 

Sharing your achievements on LinkedIn is also important as it keeps your profile up to date with relevant recent work. These form a good first impression and demonstrate how active and passionate you are in the development of your career. By remaining consistent you grab many hiring managers’ attention. 

When researching the kind of jobs you want you must identify the people you network with in order for LinkedIn to understand your algorithm and recommend you jobs based on what you're searching for. Build your personal brand in a positive light and employers will respond with radiance. 

Apart from LinkedIn, there are many other social media sites that are rather informal but still important in a different way when it comes to the job hunt. As many employers brief their applicants through their Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, building a good personal portfolio in hopes of a job opportunity is important to do. Of course, this doesn’t mean getting rid of every interesting aspect of your life but rather highlighting only the fun and formal moments (and this is a personal choice).

Jobseekers are using social networking sites more in more in addition to the normal search engines when recruiting. You should still continue to use a traditional method of application in collaboration with social networking sites to help discover the endless possibilities that this duo can offer you. Let us know how you use social media to your advantage in your career by shooting us a message on any of our social media links and if you want to read more about the implementations of social media in your every day make sure to read “Social Media Goals You Should Focus On”.


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