Team BMG NY's Goals

Written by Trinity Duong

As 2021 wraps and we gear up for the new year our team wants to wish you a safe and happy 2022 filled with love and unique experiences. 2021 for Brand’s Media Group has been an exciting one. Filled with new team members and clients you’re support strengthens us and we are ready to continue to give it our all.

In 2022, our team members have some new year goals that we’d like to share with you.

Trinity hopes to gain more insight into the technology and design field, not only through her education but also through traveling and networking. She understands how immensely important it is that she keeps up to date with the newest technologies because of how demanding it is within many fields such as her career and social life. Through travel, she aims to open her mind up to the experiences that she feels she needs to experience such as new traditions and cultures, new foods, and different ways of seeing life.

Noemie wants to live in the moment. Being more present around her community is something she encourages herself to do as it makes her more conscious of her actions. She truly aims to step into this role because being present allows us to be mindful, this further reduces our stress and elevates our happiness. She also hopes to make decisions without worrying about the future. A strong focus on the present will allow Noemie to develop in her optimism and love for the now. 

Sharon’s goals for 2022 are to prioritize her mental health by setting healthy boundaries. By being aligned with her truth and only allowing the opportunities in she aims to flourish in her personal and work life. Sharon also hopes to keep a positive work balance, just as she did in 2021. All while growing her Brand’s Media Group team and helping more new businesses. 

2021 taught us a lot about ourselves and as it comes to a close we reflect on what it is we truly prioritize. Share with us some of your 2022 goals that you will be setting and keeping for yourself. 


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