How Instagram Became “the Butter to my Bread”

Written by Annaëlle M - @lefrenchytoast

You're probably thinking, here goes, another foodie Influencer who somehow thinks she's become a recipe expert while having absolutely no background in the area. Well, can’t argue with that, although, by no means do I think of myself as a recipe expert. Yes, there are many of us out there, trying to make it on the web, but also remember that everyone's experiences and outlook is unique. Hoping I can bring something a little new to the table (is that an acceptable foodie pun)

Let me explain how it all started for me on Instagram and within the foodie online community. 

Firstly, some background about myself. I am French and Canadian, now living in Tel Aviv, working as a physical therapist. My “health” journey started towards the end of my studies. As you can probably imagine, all my fellow physiotherapy classmates were doing a sport of some sort and there I was, saying I love walking (but for long periods of time thank you very much!). And so here goes, I signed up to the gym and began exploring the many many machines available, while trying not to be intimidated by the Muscle-Tee peeps! Obviously, I went straight to the elliptical ‘cause it looked pretty straightforward and HELLO CARDIO!

Anyways, slowly slowly, I began to understand what I enjoyed most, challenging myself to run (which I used to really despise). And then, evidently, I had to also start counting calories, ingesting more proteins, etc  ‘cause that’s all I would read about from some of the fitness gurus out there. Navigating through all of this was not easy. I began experimenting with different diets, counting calories, intermittent-fasting, Keto, Warrior diet (well the name sounded so cool right ?!), food combining, plant-paradox, etc...

All those based on books I had read, people I had talked to, always feeling convinced that restricting and avoiding certain foods would make me “healthier.” What I did not realize, is that it did the exact opposite. My caffeine intake was off the chart, my mood was completely altered, my hormones off balance and I steered away from social/religious events, fearing they would make me deviate from the very important goals I had set. Does that sound healthy to you? 

Thankfully and ironically enough, when COVID-19 started and we were stuck at home, I realized that I was completely and utterly misguided. Two things were of true help. First and foremost, finding Abbey Sharp on Youtube, a registered dietician who emphasizes the pleasurable experience of eating food and talks about intuitive eating. Thanks to her, I self-diagnosed with orthorexia, i.e., an obsessive focus on eating “healthy,” which can damage overall well-being. I started reintroducing all food groups which was not easy and still have a bit of trouble with it (especially when it’s simple carbs).

Secondly, posting recipes on my IG page: @lefrenchytoast Not only was I meeting and talking to other foodies who had gone through similar experiences but I could create content and recipes and share them with others! Trying out vegan, gluten-free, naturally sweetened, nutritiously rich and balanced options not because I was following a specific diet but because it was more diverse and could appeal to all kinds of people. 

At that same time, wanting to help others, I became certified as a Holistic Nutritionist with the AFPA (American Fitness Professionals and Associates). A few months later, I moved overseas to the beautiful city of Tel Aviv, hoping to grow in my field as a physical therapist and continuing my newfound hobby as a foodie.

When I created @lefrenchytoast, I had no idea what it had in store for me. From posting recipes (and yes Reels too now (who knew making videos could be so easy) and daily stories about my croissant adventures, motivational phrases, to creating city guides for the best cafes in town! All in all, it has been and continues to be a fun, healing, yummy and motivating wellness journey. Hoped this helped some of you in certain ways, or that you at least found it interesting! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!


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