How Metaverse is Represented In Film

Written by Trinity Duong

The metaverse has continued to become the forefront of the evolution of technology and society. It is a concept, soon to be a reality, that is difficult to understand as it is new tech that will become available in fifteen to thirty years. 

The metaverse in the simplest concept would be a combination of multiple elements of technology, including virtual reality, augmented reality, and video where users participate within a digital universe. It is envisioned to be a technological world where users can work, play and stay connected through the depiction of avatars. You can read more about this description in our other article “Facebook And The Metaverse”.

It is most interesting to look at the already made representations of the metaverse through film. As it’s a hard concept to visualize the films that have been made about it shows the goal that many companies are aiming to achieve in the race to the metaverse. 

1) Ready Player One by Steven Spielberg

The very first movie to come to mind when we hear metaverse is Ready Player One by Steven Spielberg. This film focuses on the fictional platform “OASIS”. It represents the deep contrast between reality and its ruins in comparison to the world they enter “OASIS” that allows users to do anything. Wade Watts is the main hero along with his team that searches for a treasure to save the OASIS, a scavenger hunt created by James Halliday who uses elements of his real-life in order to ensure the winner of the hunt is in touch with reality. This film comments on the necessity of real-world experience when entering a virtual one. 

2) Tron by Steven Lisberger

Tron by Steven Liseberger shows the adventures of a videogame developer Kevin Flynn who is transported into the virtual world of computers where he makes contact with a security program called Tron. This security program aims to help him in order to escape certain challenges he is presented with within the virtual world. This film aims to show how technology works for us and can help us. 

3) Lucy by Luc Besson

Lucy by Luc Besson has much less to do with a whole generation experiencing the metaverse but actually only one character, Lucy. She is able to access one hundred percent of her brain after having contraband exposed to her system. Lucy ends up uploading her complete existence onto computers and implements herself within the control of the entire technological system. This film aims to show how our knowledge is stored in technology and soon the metaverse.

4) The Matrix by The Wachowskis

The Matrix is a film that reality distinguishes the real from the fake. We can see this in one of the opening scenes when there is a clear choice between the red pill or the blue pill, each signifying a vast difference. It shows a virtual reality where you are “plugged in” and the battle between machine and man on an artificial intelligent level.

These are some films we find that could help you understand the metaverse a bit more. Let us know which one is your favorite.


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