Instagram Reels?

Written By Noyonika Sircar

The Reels feature on Instagram has been the groundbreaking marketing tool for businesses on Instagram. With the increasing creativity palette on Instagram every day, Reels are a major booster for your feed to add some more audio-visual drama to your Instagram.
If you have zero ideas for your Instagram Reels, here are a few ways to spark some creative content in your feed:

1. Get to know Reels

This is a brilliant way to begin the discussion about your group, about your business, about your employees and about yourself. You can also talk about your journey and tell your audience how you plan to see your brand in the next few years. Keep in mind to make the language simple, probably tongue and cheek remark to keep the flow of a friendly.  This will make the reel look more intimate and personal.
Alternative Ideas: Show the real side of yourself / the brand or the service you want to talk about or let your Employees take over and share their experience

2. Share some and tutorials

This is where you can tell about your brand, your product and your service by breaking all the preconceived notions and by giving the tutorials about the same. This is an excellent way to educate and move ahead with the marketing of your product, without making the reel essentially marketing oriented.Bust the myths, make a meaningful engagement and forecast the utility of your product.
Alternative Ideas: You can show the before and after here or repurpose the content educating your community.

3. Give a sneak peek-Show the process

To make your audience a part of your community, it is important to create a space for your followers to swing in any conversation. This will spur more ideas and direct consumer to consumer interface which will add to the credibility of the product and hence, your brand.
Alternative Ideas: You can show some tips and tricks to use your product or create a listicle about the efficiency of the product.

4. Break the FAQs

We know that Instagram live can be the ideal place for answering all the FOMO and FAQs about your products but reels can be a very responsive way to attend your DMs. See what are the most commonly asked questions from your comment section and your dms and go ahead to answer them.This also encourages your followers to ask more questions and make them feel validated in your community growth.
Alternative Ideas: Here you can highlight some of the features of your product or talk about why you product stands out by answering the question.

5. Teaser for upcoming products / podcasts and videos

Reels can be the perfect place for pre-launch thrills. If you have an IGTV / Live/ Podcast coming up, or even a new video on Youtube reels can create an interesting platform for gauging the expectations as well as gathering more audience before the launch. You can also put a small clip of the full IGTV video or your YouTube video that will drop soon.
Alternative Ideas: This can be the best way to hold the attention, so remove the creative block and let your juices flow


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