Celebrating Earth Day with BMG

Written by Noyonika Sircar

The pandemic has crushed the world, made us pause and rethink our ways of functioning. However, in a positive light, the world has drawn close to nature. The business has taken a breath and there has been a monumental lapse of environmental policies reaffirming the alarming call of the impending climate crisis we will be thrown into. Instilling one small step to contribute to the heralding change, the BMG team shares their thoughts about celebrating Earth Day.

1. Do you practice sustainability in your everyday life?

Sharon: Since high school, I’ve always been educated on what we can do as human beings in helping the Earth. I recycle, I try not to leave the water on for too long (brushing my teeth, taking extremely long showers). I watch as many documentaries as possible to understand how and what we can do to live a healthy life altogether. I used to be a blogger and getting free gifts from brands all the time made me realize the importance of refusing them to stay sustainable.

Trinity: I try and practice as much as I can through little things such as making sure the lights are off when I leave the room or when I separate my glass, from the rest of my trash. I also ensure that I don’t shop fast fashion as I usually thrift or use Vinted to shop and find unique pieces. 

2. What does sustainability mean to you?

Sharon: Sustainability to me means being active in the present time while staying conscious of the future and of our actions.

Trinity: Sustainability is incredibly important to me as it is so much greater than just being an individual. It’s all about helping out your community and ensuring that your environment is a clean space for everyone.

3. How hard has the transition been for you to have something sustainable in your daily life?

Sharon: It hasn’t been a hard one. I try to be aware of my actions throughout the day. Meditation helps for it. Every time I find my mind wandering and me practicing something that doesn’t align with my values, I am brought back to what matters most: the Earth.

Trinity: Owning a water bottle has definitely helped me consume water way more than I would normally. It’s also a very sustainable way of declining plastic usage while keeping a healthy body. 

5. The theme for Earth Day -2021 is 'Restore the Earth'. How far do you advocate this theme?

Sharon: Scientists say that at this rate, the Earth will hit a point of no return in 2050 which is that we won’t be able to turn back in time to fix our mistakes. It’s time to act NOW. If each person tries his best to make a small change, it can have a big impact.

Trinity: Restoring the earth would mean the eradication of all things unnatural and I personally don’t believe in that. However, I do believe we should begin going back in time in order to help restore the earth to be an environment that thrives.

Lastly, Sharon, the founder of BMG adds, that when BMG has offices, there will have to recycle bins on all corners of the place and more sustainable actions we can take as a team.

As conscious as our leader, the BMG community wishes you a beautiful Earth Day, every day!


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