3 Steps to Becoming a Mompreneur

Written by Leslie Campos

Raising children and starting a business are difficult jobs to juggle. If you've been in the business of being a full-time mom but are looking to branch out into entrepreneurship, there are simple steps (brought to you by Brand’s Media Group) you can take to make your dream a reality.

Decide Your Business 

Choose something that you'll be able to manage while also caring for your children. If your kids are older and in school or daycare, this might be less of a worry. If your children will be in the home while you are trying to run your business, though, you'll need to take that into consideration when choosing which business is right for you. According to Entrepreneur.com, there are countless options for those looking to run a business from home. If you’re crafty, you may want to make goods to sell on online marketplaces. If you enjoy interacting with little kids, teaching from home is a popular option. Maybe you’d like to start a consulting business and use your skills experience to help others. Choose something that fits your interests and your time so you are setting yourself up to succeed from the beginning.

Make a Schedule

Being a mompreneur is all about balancing mothering and working, and it will be nearly impossible to be successful if you don’t have expectations about your time. There will be times when parenting will throw you an unexpected curveball and your entire schedule will get a little off. However, having daily time carved out for everything you need to get done makes it easier to recover when those things happen. Schedule your highest priority tasks for times when your kids either aren't home, are sleeping, or are otherwise be engaged. Take advantage of times during the day when your children are usually well-behaved and self-directed, like right after a nap or meals or when their favorite show is on. Use these times for tasks that will not be devastating if you can’t get to them that day.


Create an Online Presence

Every business needs a website that shows the world exactly who you are and what you are doing. If you don’t hire someone to design one for you, you can use one of many free website options available online and do it yourself. If money is an issue now, you can always hire a professional later to design an updated website for you. Online presence isn’t limited to a website, though. At a minimum, you’ll need a Facebook account for your business and may benefit from the use of more visual platforms, like Instagram and Pinterest. If you are running a freelancing business out of your home, you may not need the latter accounts, but if you’re selling homemade crafts or items that are otherwise visually appealing, they can be very helpful in reaching potential customers.

Mobile marketing refers to marketing specifically crafted to reach customers where they are most likely to be found: on their phones. In today’s market, it’s important to have websites, accounts, and links that are easy to access from a cell phone. Engage mobile marketing services by looking through online job platforms and determining which professional would be best for your business model, then reap the benefits when your business booms.

Becoming a mompreneur doesn’t have to be out of reach. Decide what kind of business is right for you and your kids, make a schedule to help you manage your time, and create an online presence to get your in-home business out in the wide world.

A busy mom herself, Leslie Campos has dedicated her site Wellparents.com to all the moms and dads out there searching for ideas on being physically and emotionally well. She loves to practice yoga, CrossFit and watch The Great British Baking show when not working or running her children to various after school activities

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