Introducing Joudy: BMG’s Content Manager

Written by Alanna Moore

The Brand's Media Group family keeps expanding! Welcome Joudy El Gewely, our talented Content Manager, who is in charge of all things creative. BMG fully believes in establishing sincere connections with our audience, which is why we created this interview-style blog to introduce you to the amazing people who work behind the scenes to make it all possible! Here’s a short interview with Joudy to help you get to know her better.

What makes you excited about working for BMG?

I love the team we have, it’s such an amazing group of inspiring and uplifting women! It’s the perfect recipe for being excited about work every day. We also have the chance of working with really fun and interesting clients, which always keeps me excited for what’s to come.

Where’s a dream destination you’d love to visit?

Up until recently, my dream destination was Italy, and I got the chance to go a few weeks ago There’s still so much more to see there, but for my next destination: I’ve been aching to go to Brazil!

Who is your biggest role model and why?

Very cliché to say, but my parents have always been and forever will be my biggest role models — I can’t pick only one! My mom has conquered so many huge obstacles in life, and yet, still managed to be a light and an extreme source of positivity in everyone’s life. And my dad’s resilience and hard-working nature, while always keeping a kind heart has been such a huge inspiration to me.

What made you want to work in this field?

I simply just love social media when you’re on the right side of it. I love how you can find your community on different platforms, and connect with people you might have never met otherwise. I also love the storytelling aspect it has. People get to share their stories through their own lens, what’s not to love?

How would you describe yourself in five words?

Energetic, loud, hardworking, excited, and sensitive.

What's your biggest social media tip for businesses who want to grow their page?

Be consistent! It’s not a one-day effort that will get you where you want to be. You have to keep working on your page, even when you’re not receiving the engagement you want to right away, it’ll get there someday.

Stay true to yourself, and keep putting out to the world what you believe in constantly, and everything will unfold in your favour!


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