How To Maintain A Good Work/Life Balance

Trying to manage a bunch of things at once can get overwhelming very quickly, which is why we at Brand’s Media Group believe that maintaining a good work/life balance is key to a happy and successful life. So, we interviewed everyone on the BMG team to find out more about how they manage to find a balance between their work and social life.


Why is having a good work/life balance important to you?

I feel like being in my 20s is ALL about work/life balance but the real start of it. Before BMG, my life was at school and being out partying. Now there is a real sense of responsibility that I have for myself, having launched a business. Without a proper work/life balance, it could feel draining. Although every day is different and exciting, the importance of having it all balanced is something I actively look for each day

What’s your best advice for maintaining a healthy balance between work and social life?

Listening to yourself. What does your body tell you? Do you feel tired? Drained? Motivated? Inspired? I think it’s so special we get to work remotely and be a team that is open-minded to life as it comes. When a team member isn’t feeling so well for X reasons, giving them that space and time to reset and come back stronger is something I really value and think of as a manager. My best advice is to take that time to think: what are you off-balanced now? work? personal life? Make time in your schedule for yourself, for your friends, or for work. As long as you feel good, that’s what really matters.

How do you stay motivated while having a busy schedule?

This is mostly how I stay motivated! Having a busy schedule drives me to be present for the different meetings, organization, calls, and day-to-day to do. I absolutely love doing nothing and sitting in my feelings while journaling, listening to music, a podcast or watching a show but there’s nothing I love more than a busy day. I go to sleep knowing I was of help to people, was productive, and a good leader to my team.

Name 1 thing that brings you comfort when you feel overwhelmed.

Burning a good scented candle.


Why is having a good work/life balance important to you?

It helps keep me feeling well-balanced, fun, and successful.

What’s your best advice for maintaining a healthy balance between work and social life?

Constantly check in with yourself. Ask yourself questions like: how have I been feeling lately? What is and isn’t working in my schedule? Do I feel tired? Do I need more downtime? How can I make myself feel good today?

Questions like such let you figure out what you need at that moment and finding answers/solutions to them will help you keep a healthy balance of work, play and rest in your life.

How do you stay motivated while having a busy schedule?

Being busy in itself keeps me motivated because I find the more I have to do, the better I manage my time — and typically, I lack motivation when I get stressed. So, to help keep me motivated, I make sure to always schedule some time to do something that relaxes me.

Name 1 thing that gives you comfort when you feel overwhelmed.

Going for a walk and listening to my favourite music.


Why is having a good work/life balance important to you?

I think that having a good work\like balance is super important to me because if not, I would most probably lose my mind. I get bored easily and if my work was my life, I would never be able to commit to one field because I would lose my passion for it. Instead, I surround myself with friends, family, and fun activities to keep me entertained and not lose the love I have for my job.

What’s your best advice for maintaining a healthy balance between work and social life?

I think the most important advice I can give is to know your priorities. What is most important to you right now? Those priorities can change weekly depending on your mood, your health, or your schedule but I think that it’s important to set those at the beginning of each week to really sustain the correct balance. If I’m feeling overwhelmed and tired on a Monday, I’ll tell myself “ Ok, this week you need to take care of yourself”, so ill take on tasks that are urgent and rearrange my schedule to add more work onto a different week or day where I know ill be more motivated.

How do you stay motivated while having a busy schedule?

I personally thrive in a busy schedule. If my schedule is too empty I actually lose motivation. However, I do get overwhelmed sometimes and what keeps me motivated is to take mini breaks during the day to just breathe and disconnect.

Name 1 thing that gives you comfort when you feel overwhelmed.

Food! Lol. When I eat, I’m typically off my phone and in my own thoughts. It’s kind of my me time during a really busy day.

How do you manage to keep up with your hectic lifestyle? Let us know below!


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