Asian Owned Podcasts you should Listen to

Written by Noyonika Sircar

With every new update about the cases related to anti-Asian violence in the United States, the world is truly experiencing some understandable amount of fear, violence, and growing animosity between communities. The events charted out in early 2021 have surged the cases of unfair racial association, white supremacy, and horrifying vilifications to the minority communities. However, there are many reasons to celebrate the accomplishments of the Asian community. BMG brings to you and the audiophiles, a few of the best podcasts owned by Asian women to look forward to.

1. Anywhere is Home by Julia Relova
Anywhere is Home is a podcast which talks about the complexities of interpretations of what home means to women. Being an American Asian, Julia Relova wholeheartedly talks about her struggles of construction of identity as a Filipina and as an American. This gives her the reasons to be flexible and adaptable, embracing the nuances of her diverse personality and also helping her emancipate and empower herself and through her podcast letting others understand the value of who, what, and where our home is.

2. Building Communi-tea by Whitney and Anu
Run by two Asian Americans, Anu, and Whitney, this podcast talks about the opulence of cultural heritage as a part of their identity as well as the struggles to fit in America. The podcasts encourage people to build a platform or a communi-tea urging folks to talk about the varied social topics, to voice out their stories, reflect on their experiences and push the whole idea of cultivating values.

3. Little Mind Chats by Siyona Vikram
As a British Asian, she leads her way to make the future generation speak about the differences in the world. She wants to make the kids speak up and inspire others as she feels that kids are most the underrepresented, with untapped potential. Siyona Vikram’s multicultural background has inspired her to keep bringing up the unprecedented voices of future generations and let the world listen to them at the same time allow the children to ask more and more questions.

4. The Tao of Self Confidence by Shena Yap Chan
Sheena Yap Chan is the host of The Tao of Self Confidence where she interviews Asian women and documents their inner journey to self-confidence. The idea is to break the glass ceiling of fears, the challenge and forge a path of unconditional self-love, only to eliminate the model of minorities, reinforcing the idea of self-confidence and self-belief.

5. The Model Minority by Nidhi Shastri
This podcast unwraps the minority model by opening discussions on education, sexuality, race, poverty specifically tailored to the Asian American diasporas. The world perceived versus the world where you want to be who you really are, these stories are not unfamiliar, they are just seldom heard. This platform encourages the suppressed voices of a million immigrants to tell their stories and engage the wider audience with them.

Lastly, The Brand Female has been known for a long time for their exemplary work around the lives of women. From sharing stories about women; myths, leaders, thinkers, creators, Brand Female through purpose driven women empowering podcasts, amplify women’s voices that needs to be heard. Co-founded by Rana Abdelhamid, each podcast highlights the work of women around the world who talk about destigmatizing the norms, establishing a change, and the challenges the women are encountering in the process. In 2020, The Brand Female launched their latest season with The Hoame Podcast, where Carolyn Plater and Stephanie Kersta unleash the path to wellness and therapy with alternative approaches like ayurveda that will foster a better state of mental health.


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