Long-Term Influencer Partnerships

Written by Trinity Duong

We’ve seen it countless times in every big ad campaign. There is always a familiar face. And why is this? Because marketing teams know that it creates a bigger impact on our memory if we can associate their project with something personal to our own way of thinking. Rarely will you see a YouTube video from a bigger YouTuber that doesn’t have a partnership in it. The most notable ads you can look out for are ExpressVPN and Function Of Beauty.  

One question we keep asking ourselves is how beneficial is this for both influencer and brand?

Brand influencers know more when it comes to their audience, therefore, giving brands an advantage to connect with a consumer base they haven’t thought of or reached before. Influencers create content that resonates with their public audience which makes them powerful people in the marketing campaign world. By opening up a dialogue about your brand, social media influencers can strategically place your products and services at the forefront of different people’s minds that serves numerous advantages. Not only will your exposure grow, but your credibility as well, that’s why it’s important to vet who you choose to publicly speak about your brand. 

Going even further, why does long-term influencer brand connections work better than a single post?

As an example, we’ve seen Emma Chamberlain work with Louis Vuitton for the past three years. And why does this work better than if we just saw her post with one purse? Because we’re talking about it now. There is an impact to be made by influencers who continuously work with a brand and if they are consistently producing great content whilst working with a brand long term, this affiliation is burned into our minds. 

Long-term influencer collaborations allow the influencers to understand the brand they work with, therefore pushing forward a more authentic image through tone, style, and what the brand is looking for. This can also benefit the brand as they know that the influencers their working with are reliable in terms of artistic choices. There will be stronger authentic relationships with more robust timelines for campaign productions and publishing. 

When working long-term brands can avoid the messy backout of their influencer with a strict and clearly defined contract the outlines the importance of their contributions and the expectations from both parties.

These are a few reasons why long-term influencer partnerships are beneficial in comparison to a one-off post. If you’re interested in influencer marketing make sure to read “Influencer Marketing: How Social Media Influencers Are Changing The Way We Do Business Today” and “The Future Of Influencer Marketing Post Covid-19”.


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