Your Guide to Guides on Instagram

Written by Trinity Duong

Instagram is integrating ways to make it easier, all under one-click for us. Launched in 2020, Instagram catalogs were used to compile useful information about health amidst the unsettled dust of the pandemic. This new addition to Instagram was creatively repurposed by different Instagram users, giving it many lives. In addition, this feature allows the brands to collate the content and add value to the existing content which might have to be trimmed to fit for reels or posts. The silver lining of this feature is that it allows the flow of all types of content; it is a mixed bag of educational content, to a listicle of the best health resources, the guides transforms your hustle of switching between apps and google into an easy one-minute scrolling, all on Instagram. Fantastic, isn’t it? Equally enthralled by this new addition, BMG shares a few fun tips on Instagram guides;

1. Choose the right category for Guides

Instagram guides are of three kinds: guides for places, guides for posts, and guides for using a product. This selection is crucial as it not only connects to your earlier posts, emphasizing the guide that can give more information to the user about your business or Instagram page. Here, you can also effectively promote or create buzz about your new service or product, where the guide serves as a compact tool for the user to lead the way to the product. You can flow in all the creative juices to make your engagement remarkable.

2. Indulge in Qand A
When stories and IG life can be the easiest way to make the users more aware of the product, Instagram guides are the most undervalued ways to answer questions for your loyal and new customers. The guides can be the FAQ section as well as your area to break out interesting information and some stereotypes in the process.

3. Tie the guides to a theme
The theme of your brand can take shape in your guides as well. Guides can condense the wide range of solutions or products your brand offers and optimally compile them to a theme, that appeals to the customers. This can take place in multiple ways, firstly starting with the story, then followed with the caption, and lastly leading to the guides, to complete the whole product or service story of your brand. Make sure that the guide has an underlying theme, to keep the consumers connected and also in anticipation.

4. Support other businesses and resources
These tough times have taught us the wealth of having and sharing support with the communities that stand for the wellbeing of people. You can effectively weave your guides to showcase some important and relevant pages, organisations, people, brands to build a community and also amplify your engagement.

5. Create purposeful guides
Like a gift guide before Valentine’s day or a guide for organising a party with a list of products before a wedding or a party? Yes, guides are your space to use it creatively.Overpowered with imagination, guides can make your space and community a unique one. With Instagram updating every two days to make the app more comprehensive for the users, with one scroll being the solution, you can also think of quality ways to link it with your stories, IGTV, videos, posts, reels and now the guide to create a incredible set of resources, all under one platform.


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