Sustainability Podcasts for an Ethical Wardrobe

Written by Noyonika Sircar

The turbulent problem addressed by the fashion industry, as the clarion call of times is the issue of sustainability. The fashion industry has been finally alerted about their miscarriages and about their misconduct in the system. With reformation and activism, a change is a visible thread of newness in the industry, incorporating ideas of slow fashion, vintage fashion, and labor rights, converging with other parallels in the world of fashion.

Podcasts are simple and easy ways to discover new ideas about what’s new. With Covid, Netflix has plagued our lives and rewired our days in front of the screens. In parenthesis, podcasts seem like a good alternative way to meander away from this arrangement of Netflix and satiate your other senses. Keeping the engaging idea of podcasts, BMG brings to you a curated list of fashion podcasts that must be included in your audio list:

1. Wardrobe Crisis by Clare Press
Vogue’s sustainability editor, Clare Press, launched her own podcast in 2017. These podcasts often bring together researchers, designers, and key players of the industry who come together to tackle the crisis faced by the industry. The podcasts cover all the real issues that surround the industry, bringing together the world of fashion, entertainment, and the environment.

2. Ethical Fashion  Podcast
This podcast connects the issues faced by marginalized communities, Asians, corresponding them to the biggest names in the industry, with hosts like UN officer Simone Cipriani and sustainable fashion journalist Clare Press.

3. Conscious Chatter
This podcast by Kestrel Jenkins, “Conscious Chatter” this podcast churns conversations around the impact of what we wear. The podcast is centered around the idea of helping and giving a voice to everyone in the garment industry.

4. Fashion Revolution
This podcast explores the possibilities posed by the designers, the policy makers and the academics to indulge in the idea of transparency and the intersectionality of ethics.

5. American Fashion Podcast
Charles Beckwith and Cathy Schepis are hosts of American Fashion podcast where they discuss the underbelly of fashion, connecting the balance between social and the fashion environments.


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